Hello Dear Friends!
To Our Beautiful, Fragile Humanity
As peace is slowly returning to our mountains after the recent destruction from hurricane Helene, we find that everything stands side by side. The immense gratitude that Gary and I have for all your gracious support, for our mostly undamaged property, and the beauty through it all. The grief for our favorite places just on the other side of our mountain, and all around Asheville, that got destroyed and swept away with the floods, as well as for the folks in our area who weren't as lucky as we were. And the intensity and trauma of these bizarre times, a few days away from an election that threatens to take our rights as human beings, and possibly throw us all yet deeper into a dominating, violent, patriarchal rule that makes absolutely no sense to our tender hearts and free-thinking nature.
In the midst of our tension and unsettling emotions, I feel that the way forward is to come deeper into trust, deeper into our hearts, deeper into our groundedness in the present moment. There we can, indeed, let it all have its place, where we are okay one moment, and crying, or gritting our teeth in anger in the next. We don't have to sort it out and make sense. We can be vulnerable and raw in our messy humanity, our helplessness, and hope for better days for our fragile human family.
We are the ones to show our neighbors that there is no us and them, and that it is actually quite easy to get along, if we can respect and honor each other's differences. This was one aspect in living through the devastating aftermath of the hurricane, here in Western North Carolina, that made my heart sing. We all had a common cause, whether it was clearing trees off the roads so everyone could pass through, getting supplies to those who needed them, or just simply being a little bit kinder, as we were all in shock and needed each other's friendliness and support.
In her own way, Mother Earth seems to be helping mankind, through this unprecedented level of natural disasters, with finding our compassion again, as she is throwing people from all walks of life into each other's immediate dependence. What we focus on makes all the difference. I choose to see hope for the evolution of our species that some day in the future the seeds that those of us on a conscious journey are planting will, indeed, blossom.
Written by Neha
(Painting by Amanda Clark)
Finding Beauty In The Darkness
As we come out of the trauma of a major natural catastrophe, our external landscape has been forever changed. It will eventually become a beautiful sight to behold, as nature adapts to its new normal. For those of us affected by the trauma, our internal landscape was also forever changed. We had to accept the experiences and learn to move on from the devastation. It doesn’t need to be a crisis for us to accept a new normal, which could be even more beautiful for our inward journey. Each and every pain and trauma we endure changes us on many planes and levels. If we choose to adapt to the changes within, we find that this is how we evolve. We become stronger, more confident within ourselves, and now we have a new reference point from which to grow. Even within the destruction of our lands, many of us saw the beauty that came from that experience. There is always beauty within any darkness, when we can see beyond our pains. I truly believe change is the only constant in our lives, so we need to be able to accept the changes, making it easier for us to adapt. Within the perception of staying in victim mentality, we are unable to see beauty, therefore, unable to move beyond our pains and traumas. You have the opportunity to roll with the changes to learn, heal, and grow from any experience. Change your perception, change your life. Embrace and adapt to the changes without resistance and allow your evolution. Inspire yourself to rise above what was. There is always beauty to be found, especially within the self.
Written by Gary
In The Midst Of A Death-Rebirth Cycle
We are right in the middle of an intense death-rebirth cycle of yet unprecedented proportions that is hailing the end of an era. Astrologically, we not only currently have the sun (and moon) in the transformational sign of Scorpio, but the planet Pluto - bringer of a death-rebirth metamorphosis - is preparing to move for the last time, from the sign of Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th. Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2043, in the sign of (r)evolution, consciousness, and emotional intelligence, after it completed its time in the sign of Capricorn, which can be said to represent the patriarchal, domineering structures, and engrained ways of outdated thinking. While it will take time and much effort to build the new world, we are all going to feel this change in our bones.
As we are eager to see these changes take hold in our outer world, we are being pushed by the Universe to embrace our necessary internal transformations, allowing what is meant for our highest good according to our Spirit. We are up against our own old, toxic ways of thinking and behaving - our own indoctrination and conditioning. And many of us are going deeply within ourselves to change self-defeating patterns that have been passed down from generation to generation in our lineage. The revolution is truly happening within our cells.
Mirroring the decay of the old in nature during this season, we, too, have to let go of what we cannot bring into the new world. We have to let many parts of ourselves die that we identified with, so that we can be reborn from the ashes of the old, and emerge without the burdens of the past. While our guides and angels certainly try to make this process as gentle as can be, we are all going through the depth of it, in one form or another. One day, we may feel so vulnerable and uncomfortable with the intensity of our emotions that we don't know how to make it through our day, while on the next, we feel a new-found strength and clarity.
We are touching part of ourselves that we didn't even know existed. This can be scary, as we don't know how to handle being internally in an unknown place. As, always, by accepting ourselves with love and compassion, and implementing healthy boundaries, we will make it through these intense times. We are learning to trust that we are, indeed, immensely supported and loved by the Divine. And the more we become aware of our higher support team, the more we can feel safe to allow this unraveling of our inner and outer world, without giving into fear, but staying grounded in our growing trust. The more we trust, the more we can find a semblance of balance in the midst of these wild transformational changes.
Written by Neha
We Have Some Exciting News!!
Our new book, co-written by Gary and Neha, will be published before Christmas!
We hope that the tapestry that we have woven in this book may be a guide on your journey, providing insight into avenues of forward movement, and helping you trust yourself more. We hope that the energy between the lines of this book holds you, as you face yourself, and bravely allow yourself to find your authenticity and love of self amidst the scattered pieces of yourself. We hope that these writings can be a beacon that calls you home to yourself. With your permission, allow us to touch your heart, and remind you that you are a precious, limitless being, far beyond anything you could have ever imagined, and that you are a part of the Divine.
Please sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this newsletter or on our website: https://higherdimensional.net), if you didn't already, as we will be sending out an announcement as soon as the book is available. The picture shows a tiny sneak peek from the back cover. More to come soon...
Our Etsy Store has a Sale:
10% off Everything & 40% off all Crystals!!
Our Etsy store is stocked with a large selection of healing crystals, high vibrational gemstones, rare gemstone pendants, and handmade-by-us gemstone bracelets.
Click here to shop
Digital Soulspace - Spiritual Social Media Platform & Metaphysical Community
Digital Soulspace is a supportive social media community for those on a spiritual journey.
We are not affiliated with Digital Soulspace, but we have been members for almost two years and absolutely love the consistent support, love, and empowerment. A big heartfelt shoutout to Mike Roberts, who has created an amazing, safe space to share, heal, learn, and grow together. We both have such gratitude for his unending support.
We'd love to see you there... To join or check it out, go to
Visit our Extensive FREE Library of Empowerment Articles and Quotes
We write from our personal experiences of continuous deep emotional healing, spiritual growth, and evolution, along with our higher dimensional knowledge. The purpose of our writings is to bring light to the common blocks on our awakening journey, and to empower each other to rise above the limitations we have been taught since we were little, so we can live the authentic life we deserve, in alignment with our divine Self.
Go to our website: higherdimensional.net
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With much love and immense gratitude,
Neha & Gary
Higher Dimensional Guidance & Healing LLC
Guidance for Spiritual Understanding
Empowerment Articles & Quotes on Emotional Healing and the Awakening Process
Email: higherdimensionalguidance@gmail.com
Website: https://higherdimensional.net